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December 22, 2017
It's. The. Law.: Trump Signs Tax Bill Into Law
As well as a continuing resolution to keep the government open over the holidays, which I'm meh on.
The good thing about the CR is that Democrats had been claiming they'd shut the government down unless they got their way on a bunch of issues, like DACA. Now, it sounds crazy that they'd try the shutdown route after blasting Republicans about it for years, but they are unscrupulous and insane, and Republicans are weak and cowardly, and just might be backed down by this threat.
But the Democrats seem to have shown they were bluffing. Which is good, because I bet the GOP was getting ready to fold.
Now, about that tax reform:
Calling it 'the biggest tax cut, the biggest reform of all time' he said 'the numbers will speak' for themselves when taxpayers start to see results.
'I think it's selling itself,' Trump said of the landmark legislation. 'It's becoming very popular. You'll see something on February 1 when they open up the paycheck.'
Rather than holding an elaborate signing ceremony in early January, he said he rushed to turn the bill into law before December 25 to honor a pledge to make tax cuts his Christmas present to the American people.
'I didn't want you folks to say that I wasn't keeping my promise,' he told the press. 'I'm keeping my promise. I'm signing the bill before Christmas.'