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December 18, 2017
The Morning Report 12/18/17
Good morning kids. A week until Christmas. Time flies when your having an insurrection. Sure as night follows day, when anything the Left holds as an unassailable truth is exposed for the complete bullshit we instinctively know it to be, their reaction is not one of contrition and self-reflection, but it is to attack the heretics and the unbelievers. In this case, as a metric ton's worth of unvarnished truth and hard evidence comes to light establishing the fact that Robert Mueller and his entire team are on a mission to neutralize if oust a sitting president for political purposes and in effect overturn the will of the people, the Left is calling for an open revolt in the streets to thwart real justice.
Aside from Mueller and those like him in the halls of the Deep State bureaucracy that have infected what is supposed to be an independent and non-partisan law enforcement and intelligence community, ex-president Obama and his minions, backed financially by the likes of Soros and Steyer are waging a campaign of destabilization and sabotage from the Kalorama Kaliphate Kompound just a few miles from the Capitol. One of the most galling members of this band of Marxist turds is Eric Holder. Since Friday he has essentially threatened a violent reaction if the President or those in Congress fire Robert Mueller. Last Wednesday, he Tweeted:
Speaking on behalf of the vast majority of the American people, Republicans in Congress be forewarned: any attempt to remove Bob Mueller will not be tolerated. These are BS attacks on him/his staff that are blatantly political-designed to hide the real wrongdoing. Country not party.
What country is that, Steadman; Cuba or Kampuchea? This was followed up over the weekend with:
ABSOLUTE RED LINE: the firing of Bob Mueller or crippling the special counsel's office. If removed or meaningfully tampered with, there must be mass, popular, peaceful support of both. The American people must be seen and heard - they will ultimately be determinative.
The gall of this guy, who as you will recall was held in contempt of Congress, is just radiant. Then again, this is not surprising given his record going all the way back to his Columbia University days where he - surprise! - participated in taking over one of the buildings during a protest in 1973 (hence the glamor shot above). Typical of the Left. When you cannot win in the arena of ideas, then just get rid of the arena and if possible the opposition. These people sicken me to no end.
Moving right along, in Groperdammerung news, Linda Sarsour, the Joo-hating Hamas louse has been implicated in the enabling and then covering up of alleged sexual assaults of her own staff members. We also have news that NBC paid hush money to an alleged victim of Chris Matthews, who evidently can transmit his own leg tingles through his fingers directly to women's thighs. Neat trick, Chris. And of course, the gracious Nancy Palsi evidently has decided to keep a $10,000 donation from a website that is essentially an online prostitution ring. Well, hell, at least the latter is upfront about its whoring.
Bob "Bundles for Iran" Corker is now a "Yes" vote for the Tax bill. Yes, a man of principle, principally because the bill now has been tweaked so he can make millions. A republic, if you can steal it.
Lastly, Byron York has a generally upbeat assessment of Year One of the Trump presidency as well as David Limbaugh on why not to get down on the Alabama loss to Doug Jones. Oddly enough, Jones is not calling for PDT to step down and has signaled he might even support some of PDT's legislative agenda. Maybe Eric Holder can draw a red line down in Alabama too. Scumbag.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.