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December 13, 2017
New Claim From CNN: Anderson Cooper's Assistant Left His Phone Unattended and Unlocked at the Gym; An Unknown Rando Must Have Picked Up the Phone and Used It to Tweet Out that Trump Was a "Tool" and a "Pathetic Loser"
He left his phone unlocked at a gym?
Don't phones lock themselves after like ten seconds of non-use?
What is the provenance of the claim that "geolocation services" prove it the tweet was sent from NY? Are we just relying on Honest Anderson and Never Misled By Sources CNN for that claim?
Someone suggested to me that what likely happened (assuming the "assistant" was even involved in this transaction at all) was that the assistant was tweeting his own anti-trump stuff on his own account, switched to Cooper's account to do the bullshit promotion stuff, then forgot to log out of Cooper's account to begin his own twitter tirades again.
Why should we believe people who continue brazenly lying to us?
CNN isn't just content to pump out #FakeNews about Trump; it's now pumping out #FakeNews about itself, too.
Even Slate -- Slate!!! -- criticizes CNN (and CBS and NBC) for covering up how they all made the same critical mistake about the "Wikileaks decryption key" despite all claiming they had multiple sources confirming the same erroneous date.