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December 05, 2017
#ButGorsuch: Rich Lowry Asks If The NeverTrumpers' Sarcastic Hashtag, "#ButGorsuch," Is Warranted
Whenever the NeverTrump fruitbats want to stick it to their enemies, actual Republicans, they'll post something derogatory about Trump and then say "But Gorsuch," a sarcastic mockery of actual Republicans who believe, correctly, that the Gorsuch appointment was a major victory for conservatism and ameliorates a certain amount of Trumpish buffoonery.
And is it really just "But Gorsuch"?
But Gorsuch ... and Other Excellent Judicial Picks ... and a Tax Cut ... and Major Deregulatory Actions ... and Immigration Enforcement ... and the End of the Individual Mandate ... and a Roll Back of the HHS Mandate ...
. . . and the reversal of the insane Title IX policy on campus . . . and an exit from the Paris Accords . . . and the avoidance of whatever Hillary would have wrought.
Trump has governed so far as more of a Republican and conservative than I expected. Outside a brief flirtation with Chuck and Nancy and some unserious talks with Democrats over the tax bill, he’s had no interest in working with Democrats (in fact, has spent time insulting them). Remember: One of Bush's big first-year accomplishments was partnering with Teddy Kennedy on wholly ill-considered federal education legislation, No Child Left Behind. There has been nothing like that during Trump's first year.
And coming soon: But opening ANWR to oil exploration.
NeverTrumpers seem to care less about the conservative movement's health than their status in the pecking order within the conservative movement. Just as liberals shrieked about their own loss of status post-9/11, liberal-ish Upper Middle Class country club Republicans are howling and shredding their garments over their own dimunition of status and influence post 11/9.