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December 05, 2017
The Morning Rant
"So that withered old crone Cokie Roberts now admits that 'everyone knew' not to get into an elevator with Democratic Rep John Conyers because of his gropey, gropey hands. She never raised a complaint about it, though. However, she did spend most of the 1990s winking at and excusing Bill Clinton's horndoggery, while slamming Republicans for being sexist and ' against women'. Ouch. Just thinking about the immense amount of effort it must have taken her to square all of those circles makes my brain hurt."
64 To me it's just this simple:
Feminists, Democratic Women, Leftist Chicks hung their entire feminist agenda on on putrid vile horrendous thing--infanticide by tortuous dismemberment for the sake of convenience. This was a big fat honking signal to male sleaze bags that as long as they supported infanticide by tortuous dismemberment (Which suited them just fine, BTW, because who wants to pay support for some whore's kid, amirite??), they could pretty much do whatever they wanted to those women--including rape, and any other vile debased behavior that suited their sick fancies.
Leftist woman bought and paid for their own mistreatment at the hands of scumbags with the blood and shattered tissue of their unborn children.
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes now with a gleeful heart... at November 24, 2017 04:13 PM (kXoT0)
I can't imagine what it must be like to be a young female staffer on Capitol and be told, "Now then, don't raise a fuss about being groped by Senator Gropey McRapetongue. if he has to resign because of your complaint, he may be replaced by one of those sexist, pro-life Republicans who have no respect for women and want to control their bodies, and we wouldn't want that, would we? So just try not to get in the same elevator with him. Or let him trap you behind his desk."
Pro Tip:
Compare & Contrast:
The above is from an article, Fusion GPS Scandal Implicates Media In Possible Pay-To-Publish Scheme, on The Federalist site. I have nothing to say about the article itself, my question is, in the above pic, which appears to be a photo of some business meeting, why is the woman dressed like a hooker?

posted by OregonMuse at
11:22 AM
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