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November 28, 2017
Just Skynet, Nothing To Worry About
Hi everyone. If you're seeing this, it means my frantic emergency blog surgery worked.
The server was fine all along. What happened was that back in 2006 or thereabouts, one of the mu.nu bloggers uploaded a few MP3 files to his blog. Today, a clever little bot out on the internet discovered them and fired off a barrage of automated DMCA takedown requests, including some duplicates.
A bot at our hosting provider noticed the multiple DMCA takedown requests and turned off our IP address, leading to much sadness.
I just needed to move the sites to a different IP address, but the existing IP address was the primary IP for the virtual server, so I couldn't get directly into the server, and it couldn't re-sync DNS with the rest of the cluster even when I had gotten in, so a certain amount of comedy ensued.
So basically we got taken out by Skynet, just 20 years late.
Oh, as mentioned in the comments, the site might load slowly for some people for the next couple of hours, as the DNS propagates out to the rest of the observable universe. That should sort itself out automatically, though.

posted by Pixy Misa at
07:18 PM
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