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November 17, 2017
I Believe the Children Are Our Future, and the Future Must be Stopped
The left is calling for an end to all procreation of human beings, so it must be a day that ends in "Y" and an hour that ends in a digit.
Take this headline from a recent piece at NBC News: "Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them."
Children, the argument goes, should be considered first and foremost as problematic carbon-generating machines. With the planet facing almost-certain existential peril --- Travis Rieder, a philosopher at Johns Hopkins University and the author of the piece, describes it as "the very real prospect of catastrophic climate change" -- the decision to have children becomes a deep moral question.
The decision to have more than one child, meanwhile, could be a serious moral failing. "If I release a murderer from prison, knowing full well that he intends to kill innocent people, then I bear some responsibility for those deaths," Rieder helpfully explains. "Something similar is true, I think, when it comes to having children: Once my daughter is an autonomous agent, she will be responsible for her emissions. But that doesn’t negate my responsibility."
The "respectable" class attacks the lunacy of Alex Jones' nightmare scenarios about the top 5% of the world population wanting to exterminate the bottom 95%, but when leftists actually endorse a similar plan (actually pushing for Voluntary Human Self-Extinction), the "respectable" class pretends this is a reputable idea worth serious consideration.