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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
November 16, 2017
The Morning Report 11/16/17
Good morning kids. Lots of content so let's dive right in. First up is tax reform and we have the forthright and principled Ron Johnson who has announced he will vote "no" on any tax bill. What a guy. There are a couple of issues wrapped up in this that I want to separate and examine individually. First up, there is the political aspect and repercussions of this bill. Irrespective of what is actually in the bill, if the GOP does not finally get together and give the President a political victory, the GOP will massively shoot itself in the foot to ring in the crucial midterm election year of 2018.
From a policy standpoint, without getting into the minutiae of what is actually in this bill, we are constantly barraged with the same class warfare language, especially the notion of having to "pay" for tax cuts and "revenue neutral." This makes what's left of my hair hurt. That money is ours to begin with. We earned it; you shake us down to fuel the graft machine. Accepting the notion of the government always growing is hateful. Here's an idea; how about cutting the budget by the amount of money you graciously allow us slaves to keep, your majesties? (*Pukes*) In any case, from all accounts the meat of the bill is just tinkering around the edges. The notion of killing the individual mandate because it is after all a tax, and the law of the land, per Chief Justice Roberts, is a delicious irony that I hope the Democrats choke on.
Moving along we still have the Roy Moore "scandal." When you strip away the media circus distraction, what we have is the shaping up of a battle royal between the Steve Bannon faction and Mitch McConnell Deep Staters. Forgetting what you think of Roy Moore personally, he is a threat to the status quo on every level, culturally and politically. Therefore, he must be destroyed and his destruction is intended to send a message to anyone who dare challenge the established order (does all this sound familiar?). By all accounts, Steve Bannon is not going wobbly and Mo Brooks has declared his support for Moore for all the right reasons.
In the midst of all this, we have a couple of pieces, one by our favorite Daniel Greenfield, about why the sudden collective Leftist mea culpa about Bill Clinton. Hint: it's to place the blame for the decades-long Leftist sexual assault epidemic squarely on the shoulders of Donald Trump, via Roy Moore.
I have a trio of second amendment-related links. While John Cornyn (BI) and Chris Murphy (PARTISAN) are super close to a new gun control bill, we find out that Obama's DoJ could've cared less about prosecuting those wanting to obtain illegal weapons and the psycho shooter from northern California despite being denied permission to own guns made them at home. Unreal.
Lastly of note, as Leftist tyrant Robert Mugabe cools his heels in a Zimbabwean jail, we have reports that another Communist luminary, Charles Manson, is clinging to life in a California hospital. May both of them suffer a lingering, excruciating death followed by an eternity roasting in the Infernal Reaches.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.