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November 15, 2017
Another Lawless Judge: Federal Government Cannot Withhold Federal Grants from Cities Just Because They Defy Federal Law on "Sanctuary Cities"
You don't have a country when half of the country believes it can live in open defiance of the law.
In a 128-page injunction, Senior United States District Judge Michael Baylson said Department of Justice (DOJ) law enforcement grants can't be withheld from Philadelphia because it refuses full cooperation with federal authorities on immigration, the news outlet reported.
In his ruling, Baylson said Philadelphia proved that withholding the grant money would cause irreparable damage, as part of it is used by first responders who provide life-saving naloxone to victims of opioid overdose, according to Inquirer reporter Jeremy Roebuck.
Still, the amount of money in question was just $1.4 million out of a $4.4 billion city budget, according to the Inquirer.
When at least half, probably two thirds, of the current government is part of #TheResistance against the actual legally-empowered government, it's time to confess we no longer have a shared civic culture and we are no longer one people under the law or in sentiment and take a mature attitude towards a peaceable division.