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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
November 03, 2017
The Morning Report 11/3/17
Good morning kids. The weekend's here at last. In the lead this Friday is the jihadi terror attack and the aftermath. It's been revealed that the terrorist had been potting this attack for quite some time and that one of his potential targets was the Brooklyn Bridge. If you know the bridge, the pedestrian walkway is above the roadway so what his plan was is not quite clear. More disturbing is the fact that the NYPD had been watching his mosque since at least 2007, as it had long been suspected as a breeding ground for terrorism. The President nailed it on the head; this notion of the lone wolf is a myth. He could not have acted alone in the sense that he was supported in his mosque by co-religionists, fellow ideological travelers and upwards of 23 family members he brought into this country courtesy of chain migration. Either this insanity ends or it will be the end of us, and despite PDT attempting to do the right thing, the situation is very much in doubt.
A related story is bemoaning the pro-Islam brainwashing in our schools, which of course goes hand in hand with the anti-American agitprop brainwashing of the Left that has been poisoning minds for nearly half a century. And the schools might be an even tougher nut to crack than immigration since those are the root cause of perhaps all of our society's problems right there.
In other news, the GOP tax plan was released yesterday and although there are some very good points in it, there are some things that are not so hot. One thing that Mark Levin and Rand Paul brought out, which I strongly agree with, is the accepting of the Leftist orthodoxy to bash the so-called 1%. While I was giving the President a standing ovation for the cold, hard truth he hit the MFM and Left with vis a vis Islamic terrorism and uncontrolled mass immigration of unvetted people from Islamic and other nations, I wish he would be as plain and forthright in hitting them with the truth hammer about the evils of the progressive tax system, class envy, etc. etc. While I loathe crony socialism, free market capitalism and the success it engenders at every level of activity should be preached and evangelized early and often. I get the political aspects of "paying their fair share" but PDT is a meme-busting machine. I wish he would take a whack at that instead of pandering to it.
Amazingly, the Mueller Inquisition has been pushed off of the lead with the terror attack as well as the tax push and continuing fallout from the Hollywood, Democrat Media rape scandals. Jared Kushner gets put on the rack this time around but Paul Manafort has come out swinging against Mueller. I believe that there is talk of trying to shut him up with a gag order. What a total shit show that is turning into.
Lastly, a couple of great essays, one from a retired admiral about the contingency plans to overthrow the mullahs in Iran after the 1983 attack that wiped out the Marine barracks in Lebanon, and yet another interesting post-mortem of the Left from American Thinker. While some think that it's dead, it sure is acting like replicant Pris after being shot by Deckard. As I said a while back, we may be in the middle of the start of sea change and we're just unaware of it by being so close. And it could not have happened if Donald Trump did not win almost one year ago today. Wow.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.