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November 02, 2017
Your Media Betters at Work
Yesterday, a lot of people on Twitter, including some from the #BlueCheckmarkMafia, were incensed that Trump had suggested the death penalty for the Truck Jihadist, but had not called for the same in the case of the Las Vegas shooter.
There was a pretty good reason for that.
Now, these nitwits were humiliated by right-leaning people gleefully pointing out: "See, that's because the Las Vegas shooter is dead, so you can't actually execute him. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I wish you could.
But you can't.
But obviously no lefties ever bother reading anyone from the right, because the word that the Vegas shooter is dead never got 'round on the left, resulting in a "real media" outfit (ahem) actually reporting this Trumpian Hypocrisy on their website: