� Not a Joke: Shockingly, Buzzfeed "Men" Test Low In Testosterone Levels |
Brit Hume Argues With Bill Kristol and His Minion Stephen Hayes Over Kristol's Slur of Political Rivals as "Collaborators" �
October 30, 2017
Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Harassment by Male Actor; Cops to a Plea of "Gay";
Netflix Pulls Plug
Spacey is being attacked by other gay actors for allegedly conflating the charge of sexual harassment/assault with just being gay.
Rapp, best known for starring in "Rent," said in an interview on Sunday that he was a teenager when Spacey made a sexual advance toward him and pushed him down on a bed.
Official Wanda Sykes ✔@iamwandasykes
No no no no no! You do not get to �choose� to hide under the rainbow! Kick rocks! https://twitter.com/kevinspacey/status/924848412842971136 �
1:54 AM - Oct 30, 2017
O'Donnell tweeted to Spacey on Monday, "u don't remember the incident - 30 years ago? - f--k u kevin - like Harvey we all knew about u - I hope more men come forward."
Comedian Wanda Sykes, who is a lesbian and outspoken member of the LGBT community, also sounded off on Spacey on Twitter early Monday saying that he can�t "'choose' to hide under the rainbow."
Spacey said he has had relationships with both men and women throughout his life and chooses "now to live as a gay man."
Here's Spacey's statement about the charge, in which he claims he doesn't remember the incident, but if it did happen he was drunk, and also, he's gay and please respect his privacy.
A bit Jim McGreevey-ish. The former NJ governor was accused of diverting money to an unqualified male staffer he was having a gay affair with, and his press conference basically said "If I'm guilty of anything, it's of being very proud to be a Gay American." Not really what you were being accused of, dude.
Even George Takei criticized Spacey.
Netflix has announced that they're pulling the plug on Spacey's silly soap opera House of Cards, though they'll show the sixth (and now last) season.
So just one more burst of three or four weeks of having to listen or read people squeeing about this show.
In more Weinstein-esque news, Corey Feldman says he'll finally name names in a film about Hollywood pedophilia -- but it'll take $10 million.
He also told Lauer he already gave the names to the Santa Barbara Police Department in 1993 when they questioned him about Michael Jackson.
"I sat down and I gave them the names," Feldman told Lauer adding that Jackson is innocent. "They're on record. They have all this information."
Why $10 million for something that can be done on a handheld prosumer camera in a couple of weekends of interviews, a few weeks of collecting B-roll footage of the accused and old reports about pedophilia, and basically be done and over in three months at a cost of no more than $100,000? I don't know.
Update: In 2013, Seth McFarlane, as you probably know, cracked a joke about female Oscar Nominees no longer having to pretend they were sexually attracted to Harvey Weinstein.
In an old Family Guy episode, a naked Stewie runs about shouting "Help! I've escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement! Help me!"