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October 23, 2017
Cuck College: Men Now Taking Courses on How to Unlearn Their "Toxic Masculinity"
Upon graduation, you will receive a Participation Trophy, a fidget spinner, a pair of fuzzy footie pajamas, and a complimentary set of Designer Pronouns, suggested for you by a Gender Designer who will act as your personal shopper in choosing a set of the finest artisinal bespoke pronouns.
May I suggest something in a xhi/xhiim? Sounds exotic, like a bartender in Star Wars!
For some time, Stephen Hicks had felt like something was off. "My relationship ended, then a lot of things started collapsing in front of me," Hicks says. He began attending therapy, which made him realize that he needed to make a bigger change: "I wasn’t doing really terrible things, but I also wasn’t being the most ideal Stephen I could be," he says. "The bar is really lowered for cisgender guys."
So earlier this year, Hicks signed up for the pilot Rethink Masculinity class, a partnership between the Washington, D.C., Rape Crisis Center, Collective Action for Safe Spaces, and ReThink, an organization that works to prevent sexual assault.
The program bills itself as a class where men "learn how social constructs of masculinity harm them and the people around them, and work to construct healthier masculinities." Or, as Hicks puts it, "It was eight weeks of guys discussing how they can address their actions with better self-awareness and less toxicity."
Eight weeks obsessively oversharing your personal failings with marginal acquaintances?
Congratulations -- you're now a chick.
"We spoke of emotional labor, consent, violence, communication, empathy, and vulnerability," he adds, noting that the last subject, in particular, was a struggle for him: "[I was] trained and conditioned to be tough growing up."
Doesn't sound like you were trained very well, Sally.
From Lisa DePasquale, who has a new and just-at-the-right-moment book, The Social Justice Warrior Handbook, which I really have to read, especially because she quotes me.
(BTW: The title is ironic. The book pretends to be a Social Justice Warrior Handbook while mocking the Social Justice Warriors.)
Oh by the way: