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October 24, 2017
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Ya know, when the Alpha chimp wanders over and kicks my ass just for shits and giggles, there isn't much I can do about it. I certainly don't yell and scream like an idiotic child. Flinging poo is much more dignified than these people.
At some point these people should realize, if they have any self-awareness or adult behaviors, that having a temper tantrum because of a legally decided election one year ago is an irrational and emotional response that is simply not productive. That is not to say that we shouldn't enjoy their angst. We should!
What's that? Why yes, my first thought was that somebody should knock him (?) on his ass. Anyone have a 10-year-old who was just grounded and is a bit pissy? Because that's pretty much all it would take.
Global Warming, My Ass!
I know I shouldn't enjoy these videos; my pleasure at watching these people get knocked on their asses is completely out of proportion to pretty much everything.
But I really, really enjoy it.
posted by CBD at
11:30 AM
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