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October 23, 2017
Antifa, Which Routinely Attacks Citizens Without Provocation in "Self Defense," Now Pushing Gun Ownership and Shooting Practice, Also for "Self-Defense"
The leftist media always freaks out about right-wing militias and suvivalists and dangerous gun-crazy anti-government radicals.
Think they'll freak out about a left-wing terrorist group with a long and bloody history of assaults and vandalism arming up, explicitly for "revolution"?
Or do you suppose they'll be a bit more sympathetic? Perhaps we'll even see some positive pieces about leftwingers "getting in touch" with America's gun culture.
Well, you don't have to wait for that -- the Buzzfeed piece Sexton links and critiques has "bought into" Antifa's line about arming up for "self-defense." Obviously.
The idea that these are "elf-defens' courses is really a bit of Antifa salesmanship which the author of the piece seems to have bought into. As the article makes clear, the members of the Haymaker Collective are watching videos of protests and learning both individual and group fighting techniques. In other words, the group is preparing people to participate in street battles. As we've all seen, Antifa is not averse to throwing the first punch in those confrontations. But it's not just martial arts, Antifa members are also training with firearms...
And, as could be predicted, Buzzfeed, which usually loses its shit over guns, seems suddenly receptive to the self-defense rationale for gun ownership.
Incidentally, given that the left is now claiming a right to disrupt quiet College Republican meetings in school libraries because, they say, the very existence of college Republicans is a disruption to other people's lives, one should understand "self-defense" to be a rather broad concept to the left.
And a Columbia Prof just helped shut down a speaker who was only speaking on campus via Skype, claiming the very act of him speaking constituted "an act of violence."
Your very existence is a "threat" to them, an "act of violence," to which they feel justified in using force to eradicate.
PS: Via @PoliticalShort, algebra and geometry are just tools of White Oppression.
Prof: Algebra, geometry perpetuate white privilege
Toni Airaksinen
New York Campus Correspondent
Today at 8:20 AM EDT
Gutierrez worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege because "emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi" give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."
She also worries that evaluations of math skills can perpetuate discrimination against minorities, especially if they do worse than their white counterparts.
Coming soon: An antifa thug murders someone, and the motive... is math.