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Sunday Overnight Open Thread (10/15/17) Attitude Edition »
October 15, 2017
Sympathy Status: [X] Nope [ ] Yup (MJ)
The biggest unreported story of 2017 is the slow motion disintegration of the Left since the election of President Trump. Sure, a story appears every few weeks about the ravenous fringe eating its own but this is nothing like the supposed death of conservatism after the 2008 election.
But make no mistake, the hypocrisies of Leftism have been exposed and the factions are circling each other.
The moderate left has spent the past few years running interference for Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and some of us have been warning them that the far left hates the liberals, too. They're now finding that out up close and personal, and I hope it terrifies them.
This, along with similar incidents at other universities, is a sign of the final death of American "liberalism." It is death by suicide, because liberalism is being destroyed by the forces it unleashed and by its own inherent contradictions.
I usually caution against predictions of death, but hey, let's at least enjoy the gasping.
Just as Marxism created a whole system for finding real and imagined harms to be regulated in the realm of economics, the extension of Marxism to race and gender created a whole system for finding real and imagined harms to be regulated in the realm of ideas, behavior, and culture. It invoked a whole system of "triggers" and "microaggressions" that marginalize and exclude certain victim groups, even if the people in that system are not conscious of any intent to do so. Therefore, we have to be constantly on the lookout for the harm caused by ideas and root out all of these thought crimes.
This was always the problem with Leftism. You can only pretend 'its the economy, stupid' for so long. Eventually the beast grows hungrier.
Hence the new regime now being established on college campuses, where professors with unimpeachable "liberal" credentials now find themselves harassed and shouted down by angry mobs and students find their every action monitored for transgressions, down to their choice of Halloween costumes.
The old "liberals" wanted to dispense with individual rights so they could pursue the fantasy of setting themselves up as benevolent, all-seeing planners who would protect us from harm and order our lives to achieve the "greatest good for the greatest number." But they wanted to do this while still thinking of themselves as the good guys, as fighters against oppression, as defenders of liberty. That is the pretense being torn down today in the suicide of liberalism.
Couldn't agree more; and couldn't be happier. You reap what you sow.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:40 PM
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