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October 11, 2017
Mid-Morning Open Thread
Lotus Lilies
Charles Courtney Curran
The Guardian's theater critic just gave the current revival of the play, "My Name Is Rachel Corrie" four stars.
From UK Media Watch: Guardian reviews anti-Israel Guardian play...and approves!
Had the play instead been called My Name is Rachel and included stories of the 19 Israeli Rachels murdered by Hamas (whose tunnels Corrie was trying to shield when she herself was killed) and Fatah during the second Intifada then I doubt the play will have sold many seats.
Rachel Corrie is dead because of her own actions...dead because she was a Jew-hating leftist who got in over her head. I have no sympathy for her or her family, who have been using her death as a bludgeon with which to beat Israel on the world stage.
And my liberal friends and relatives wonder why I own guns....