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October 06, 2017
The Morning Rant
"Do you know what stupid is? Stupid is continually telling a large portion of the population that they're the cause of all social problems, you hate them, they're Literally Hitler and you wish them dead. And then telling them oh by the way, please give up your guns."
"I'll take 'Bad Ideas' for $600, Alex."
Really? I mean, come on, what was Obama thinking? it's not like the stories weren't out there.
Bill Clinton, making America great again:
At Legal Insurrection, there's a pretty good summary, including recent developments, of the "John Doe" cases in Wisconsin where supporters and donors to Scott Walker's campaign had their doors kicked in at 4am by SWAT teams looking for evidence of campaign finance law violations. If you're suffering from low blood pressure, click on the link.
Oh, FFS:
Every time I think "NOW we've reached Peak Stupid", something like this comes along.
Conservatives Don't Know What's Good For Them, Part CXLVIII:
Michelle Obama:
Quite frankly we saw this in this election. As far as I’m concerned, any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice in a way. To me, it doesn’t say as much about Hillary — and everybody’s trying to wonder. Well, what does it mean for Hillary? No, no, no. What does it mean for us as women? That we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, ‘That guy. He’s better for me. His voice is more true to me.’ Well, to me that just says you don’t like your voice. You like the thing we’re told to like.
Heh. Michelle Obama must want MOAR TRUMP.
You should read the entire article. Not because the issue is noteworthy but because I think it's an example of what journalism ought to be. It's from a site named "The Lily" whose existence was unknown to me before today. But the article is fair, balanced, and presents voices both pro and con in an unbiased manner. 'The Lily' may be run by a bunch of rabid SJWs for all I know, but I'd never know it from this article.
Quiz: Shiba or Toasted Marshmallow?
(click for larger version)
posted by OregonMuse at
11:32 AM
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