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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
September 29, 2017
The Morning Report 9/29/17
Good morning kids. The weekend is here, and despite the fiasco of Graham Cassidy, on aggregate it was a pretty good week for America. The NFL's willingness to shill for Marxism and Balkanization has backfired spectacularly, the GDP has had over 3% growth for the second straight quarter after eight straight years of planned contraction courtesy of you-know-who, the DC Circus has surprisingly upheld concealed-carry and Steve Scalise made a surprise appearance in Congress yesterday 15 weeks after nearly being assassinated in a Democrat-inspired terrorist attack.
In other news, we talked about PDT's tax plan and Rush spent considerable time on his show discussing the pros and cons as well as Rush-splaining why the tax code is the way it is from the political standpoint. It is definitely worth a listen, especially to people who keep spouting off about "the rich," "the 1%," "greedy corporations" and "paying your fair share" --- a chicken that Chuck Schemer and his fellow goniffs have been plucking since time immemorial, because it's all they have really. Too bad the GOP-e believes that rhetoric too.
From hither and yon, F. Chuck Todd is either stupid, ignorant, lying or all three at once. Roy Moore, as expected, is taking withering attacks for having the gall to unseat an establishment pick as well as defending G-d and the Constitution. And Todd, the dolt, smugly derided Moore for being dumb enough to believe that your rights come from, get this, G-d and not the government.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, a programmable skin-job dialogue-spouter used her announcement of having breast cancer to push for single-payer healthcare. Listen, toots, if you think it's so great why the hell did you not make this announcement at the registration desk at a clinic in Liverpool, or even better, Havana?
Also, Jon Podhoretz is so enraged by Trump that he's now hawking Oprah as the savior of the nation in 2020, Dick Blumenthal is a dick, Pelosi had her umpteenth public brain freeze (not counting statements when her cerebral cortex is unimpeded) and Michelle Obama thinks women who voted for Trump go only where they're kicked.
Yeah, it raises the BP but the more shrill and loud they shriek, the more they are panicked by us and the President. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.