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September 30, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
(Black Labs Matter. An issue we shouldn't duck.)
Good afternoon. Take a break from what you were doing. Grab a drink and enjoy the world of animals.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
And this little Piggy went to the market.
Grand Theft Auto Scooter.
Who knew? A Pet Thread Genius Award Winner.
Does your cat and/or dog need some culture? Art Exhibit for pets.
Dogs & Treats. h/t JJ Sefton
Meet The PetMorons
This is Captain Hate's Airedale Teddy. Two years old and 58 pounds of hair, skin, teeth, bone and muscle. And a goofball brain.
Thanks Capt Hate. You doggeh looks like the opposite of your nic.
I have submitted pictures of Bandit and Jett before. Here is a picture of them with their partner in crime Oliver. Also a picture of Ollie waiting to give Bandit a kiss when he comes inside.
In the first picture Jett is almost invisible in the background lying on a bench, while Bandit is doing his daily ritual of biting a blanket and......something. - John
Thanks for the submission. I bet you have some lively moments there with those guys.
She was my daughter's cat, but she changed jobs and was traveling a lot. So Obie came to live with me three years ago. She is the sweetest, most spoiled cat in the world. She quickly established her rule. - Butch
We don't believe you. This cat appears to be totally abused.
Pet: Takoda (wolfdog, wolf hybrid)
1/2 Timberwolf 1/2 Blue German Shepard
6 years old
100 lbs
His diet consists of grilled chicken, raw salmon & tuna
He snacks on frozen cow bones
scares the shit out of snowflakes and (D)em's. He walks 3-5 miles per day and its like Moses parting the Red Sea - they clear the road, pick up their ankle biter dogs and run!
loves to ride in the truck - Jack Daniels
So how many jobs do you work to feed that Big Boy? Awesome looking animal.
These 2 giant fur balls complete the household of 4 rescues and my long-suffering sweet husband. Buttercup and her brother Mango. Smart and sneaky. They follow my husband around like dogs. Love them all, we have been blessed. Love the blog and especially the pet thread. Thanks, - Dread Pirate Roberta.
Now if you could get them to run the vacuum cleaner Roberta you would have it made.
I’m a lurker. I think I’ve posted 3 times in all the years I have visited the AOSHQ. I love seeing everyone’s best pals, and really appreciate all the time and effort that you and the other Cobs put into the site. My goofballs are providing scale (that’s their job) for this tufa deposit. I am a geologist and I take them out to the field every chance I get. They both came from the county pound after I lost my previous rescue huskies to old age and disease (16 & 18 yrs). Shiva and Krishna are both around 6-ish and I’ve had them for about 2 yrs. I’ve had up to 5 huskies at any given time over the past twenty years and I always find them at the local shelter or animal control. They are like permanent 10 yr old boys: impish, precocious, adventurous, and regard all rules as merely guidelines to be followed--but only if someone is paying attention. They are terrible guard dogs and prefer to chew on personal items rather than the more expensive toys I foolishly keep buying. They are affection sluts and will demand it from total strangers if I let them. That being said, I adore them and keeping them happy makes me happy.
Best Regards, Feynmangroupie
Watch out where the Huskies go don't you eat that yellow snow. Thanks for the photo. They certainly look like they have fun with your outings.
Tom Cat as Booze Hound - Amy
A Moron pet who likes Valu-Rite, who would have thunk? Fun photo. Thanks.
This is what the bulldog (Annabelle Lee) looked like just after she defended the daughter from a crazed dumpster raccoon. The raccoon didn't look so good after the lesson in manners.
Here is an X-ray picture of the cat Pixi. As you can see she is mostly fur. Good kitty.
Both are rescues and both are the best critters ever.
The Bashful Lurker
Just a wonderful group of PetMorons this week. Thank you Morons!!!
We appreciate all the photos that have been coming in. Just be patient while we get to them. If you have something you wish to share. You can reach us at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Have a great week!!!
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:01 PM
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