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September 19, 2017
The Morning Report 9/19/17

Good morning kids. Today marks the one year anniversary of The Morning Report. I'd like to say that it's been more than a pleasure; it's been an inconvenience. In all seriousness, just wanted to say thanks for making this entertaining. And I'm honored to be allowed to contribute to what I think is the best political/cultural commentary and real news outlet anywhere. Thanks to Ace for the keys and the cob's for the support. Enough of that. We are loaded with linkage this Tuesday so let us commence. First up, Hurricane Maria is threatening Puerto Rico so if we do have an Morons down there, please evacuate or otherwise get to safety.
Top story is PDT's assertion that Obama used the FBI to wiretap him before the election has been confirmed. This includes conversation(s) between him and one-time campaign honcho Paul Manafort who, surprise! may be Scooter Libby-ed by Robert Mueller's kangaroo court. I really wish PDT would just end this friggin' shitshow and get rid of Mueller. And Rod Rosenstein while he's at it. That snake is a Deep State embed/saboteur sneaking whoopee cushions under Deputy Dawg's daybed.
The president is at the UN this week for its annual America/Israel-bashing and shakedown session. This time, however we have a real president who by all indications is going to read the riot act to the Farsis and Whoa, Fat!. On the down side, he seems to be falling into the Mideast Peace processor. Well, this is what happens when you get rid of the realists like Gorka and let the McMustards have your ear. Meh, maybe he's just mouthing platitudes but I don't see that as his style.
In news from the insurrection, Nancy "Different Strokes" Pelosi had to flee her own press conference when the illegal aliens she and her party have used as weapons to destroy us turned their aim on her. It's funny to see frauds like Pelosi who are always controlling these media Potemkin Village pseudo-events look like total fools when they blow up in their faces. They have no one to blame but themselves. After almost two years of portraying Donald Trump as "literally Hitler" the mindless droogs look at Pelosi and Schumer dealing with him as a stab in the back. Good. And with Comrade Bernie threatening to run in 2020 as an independent Commie, anything that divides the dividers is a good thing. Too bad we have no political party to take advantage of that.
In other news, James O'Keefe is teasing a huge expose of the MFM that will result in people getting fired. He and his group do yeoman's work in opening peoples' eyes to what the hell this country has devolved into. Investors Business Daily is cautiously optimistic about the latest block-grant Obamacare repeal/replace but fears that Murkowski might sabotage it at the last minute. There's a very interesting piece about the reaction a lefty writer gets for penning an essay called "The Case For Colonialism" and finally, Toys "R" Us is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. That is a huge deal vis a vis e-commerce and the trend in retail, not to mention the fate of over 60,000 employees.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.