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Sunday Night Overnight Open Thread (9/10/17) »
September 10, 2017
What Happened? (MJ)
Talk about a book no one will read. Jeez. This whole explanation tour and accompanying excuses for Hillary's big fat whiff is as embarrassing as the time she tried to tell an urban radio show that she carries hot sauce in her purse to prove she was down for the struggle.
Or the time she went on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to proclaim her robust health and then passed out and got chucked into van like a side of beef just two weeks later.
Or the time she got roasted by Donny Two Scoops at the Red Dinner.
Or the time she tried to create moments of spontaneity by taking a road trip in an all black, government style, secret service protected 'scooby van' to Iowa to mix it up with ordinary folks.
The list goes on and on. She's cringe inducing x nervous laughter, to the ninth power of infinity.
But the title of her book, which sucks, reminded me of something Jennifer Palmieri said at the Harvard IOP conference--a forum that serves as a first draft of history of the campaign from its most prominent figures, minus the candidates.
...so I think it's a big part of what happened to Hillary-- and that's why when you hear people today say things like, 'there's something about her I just don't like, there's something about her I just don't trust.'
And if you look back at the interviews from the 1992 campaign with man on the street interviews you'll see people saying, 'you know there's something about her I just don't like, there's something about her I just don't trust.'
And, I think it's how challenging of a person she was as a baby boomer and a first woman.
Palmieri, bless her heart, was trying to explain that Hillary! was so awesome that she had no peer and therefore couldn't be measured or compared to mere mortals.
In truth, she hit it directly on the head the first time. People don't like Hillary.
Not 25 years ago and not today.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:35 PM
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