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August 31, 2017
Fox News: Trump Will Announce End to DACA on Friday; White House Says No "Final Decision" Reached Yet
What does it matter? A federal judge will claim the president doesn't have the power to use executive action to reverse a policy put into place by the last president using an executive action.
Reportedly, the idea is to cancel any further DACA renewals while allowing those who have their DACA papers in order to remain in the country until they need to renew again -- which would be in no longer than 2 years, as the renewals are for 2 years at a time.
I think a commenter here said something along the lines of: Reversing DACA will force Democrats (and SubRight "Republicans") to come to terms on a border wall, border enforcement, and sanctuary city enforcement. We might even get Chuck Schumer to squirt a few lemon-drop tears as he explains why he's compelled to vote for this nightmare to avert an even worse one.
Sounds like a good plan, so I'm sure they won't be doing that.
However, keeping up appearances (and I fear this is only for appearances), Trump has selected four firms to build wall prototypes to select from for the wall that I don't think will ever be built.
The four contracts range in price from about $400,000 to about $500,000, CBP said. The prototypes will be 30 feet(9 meters) tall and about 30 feet wide and will be tested in San Diego, it said.
Because I'm in a foul mood and my posts are probably putting you in a similar mood, here's an adorable puppy learning how to swim in the air.