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August 22, 2017
Google Has Declared War On You
He was referring to this:
And the same thing happened to Diamond & Silk, two enthusiastic Trump supporters:
There was also another conservative on Twitter, who unfortunately I did not capture and I can't remember now, who complained that he had a video demonetized with the message "we reviewed your video and have determined that it violates our terms of service blah, blah, blah", only it was a live stream scheduled for later that evening or the next day, and it hadn’t happened yet. There was literally no content to judge, and YouTube yanked it, anyway.
I would squeal like a teen-aged girl at a Justin Bieber concert if Trump wrote an EO declaring that Google, YouTube and Facebook are public utilities and are to be regulated as such. Throw in a heavy dose of 'commerce clause' and my joy would be complete.
But... but... principles.
Not all that long ago, I would not like this violation of the small government, laissez-faire principles I adhered to, but you know what, I just don't care anymore. Screw 'em. We're in a knife fight for our survival against those who want to turn our country into a socialist craphole run by a women's studies department, so arguing about the virtues of limited government is pointless and counterproductive. That is not the battle we have to fight.
So yeah, I've got no problem with using the weaponized government that progressives have constructed to bring them to their knees. They've sewn the wind, let them reap the whirlwind.
Open Thread, by the way.

posted by OregonMuse at
01:43 PM
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