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August 19, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Sit. Stay. Good Moron.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Farm animals. They really aren't pets. But they certainly are loved. A boy and his cow.
Dang pets!!! h/t MTF
1 down. 8 to go. Kitty takes a ride.
A cat who likes baseball. Who knew? h/t Vendette
Meet The PetMorons
Tom Cat came to our house one day. I believe someone must have set him out in the country near our home.
At first I thought he was a she and so I scheduled an appointment with the vet, but turns out she was a he who had already been neutered.
I don't know much about cats, but I sure do love this one. He's very friendly and this cat will hunt.
Thanks in advance for including him on the pet thread!
No thanks necessary ALH. We are glad we could post your Tom Cat.
Hi guys. Rich here, long-time lurker, very very occasional commenter, from northern reaches of the Bay Area.
In the foreground is Gordon Setter Luke, 10 years old and of questionable intellect. He eats his own ears for dessert. His primary duty is to serve as chew toy for the Dobie in the background, six-year-old Flirty. Unlike Luke she's highly intelligent.
Thanks for all you do.
Hey Rich, no thanks necessary. It is the Pet Thread who owes you and your gang a big thank you for your submission.
I enjoy pet morons, thanks. -Robert
Thank you Robert, hope you stop by and tell us about these fine looking dogs.
Hi, ive been lurking and occasionally commenting as rumcrook for maybe ten or more years at ace of spades, i think i recall migrating over
For aces news feed sometime after the guy who ran little green footballs went loco batshit crazy and kicked all the traditional cultural conservatives off the board including me.... man that seems like a long time ago now. Any way, i saw the pic of the chihuahua riding the other dog like a pony and thought i would add mine, she was a good dog and unfortunately drowned a couple weeks back just after the 4th of july. although the great pyranese she is riding is still in the back yard. Thier names are goofa (great pyranese mix) and petunia named so by my girls, although i allways called her "little dog" and she always came when i called her. She ended up being my daily quiet companion more so the kids, and it hit me hard. Harder than the kids. As an adult ive learned these attachments to dogs come with an eventual price tag of sadness. The kids are more resilient.
A wonderful photo but a sad story, so sorry for your loss.
I'm mostly a lurker. Here are our two beagles, Houston and Scout. They were waiting for food in this picture, and if I don't get it quick enough they overturn their bowls until I get the hint. We've had Scout since she was a puppy and she's a real sweetheart, unless you have the temerity to walk past our back fence or down our street. We got Houston as a rescue a few years ago. Someone dumped him at a shelter because they thought he was too old. He's a real charmer, too, unless you are a squirrel. As with most rescues, he sticks to us like glue and has brought us so much joy. I love your pet thread!! -JulieC
They surely look mistreated to us JulieC. The next thing you'll tell us that they sleep on the couch. Seriously, nice looking pair of Beagles.
Well that wraps up another Pet Thread. Can we ask a favor of your lurkers and commenters? Believe it or not our photo stash is getting quite low. We could use some photos. It doesn't matter if you have submitted before, send in a new photo of your pet.
So if you have photos or tips or stories, you can send them here to us at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Have a great week!!!
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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