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August 12, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Good afternoon all of you pet fans. Welcome to the almost world famous AoSHQ Pet Thread.
Sit down on the piece of furniture you are allowed to sit. Enjoy the world of animals.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Nice company perk. Take your dog to work.
Should you switch your pooch to a Vegan diet?Mine say, WOOF WOOF WOOF OH HELL NO.
Marines. They have a soft spot to. h/t Hrothgar
Dancing With The Stars Doggy Dancing. Don't worry it's not dirty. h/t Anonosaurus Wrecks

h/t joanne
(OK that was funny but please no more politics today)
Meet The PetMorons
Here are my guys although I lost Trixie a little while ago, she was a rescue who always brought a smile. Gracie is a Maine Coon cat and does not pose well, she yawned to shown her disdain for photography. - Bob
Awww sorry about your loss Bob. Your gang looks healthy, wealthy and wise.
The next contribution consists of a photo and a video. Scott was kind enough to submit a video of his fish and a photo of his dog.
Quite the production.
Leonard. My wife was over her bothers house and noticed they had a picture of him on their fridge. So of course I had to send her a picture of Leonard on our fridge.
Since there were so many cats in today’s lineup and having lurked for many ,many years here are pictures of our more recent four legged children….The first attachment is Cajun on the left – a bi-blue Shetland sheep dog and his blind buddy Dice on the right a blue merle Australian Shepard. When the picture was taken Cajun was 12 years old and Dice 7. The second attachment is of Charlotte, another Shetland sheep dog who we rescued after Cajun crossed over as Dice needed a new seeing eye dog. She filled that roll perfectly until Dice too died. Charlotte was happy but contracted cancer shortly after Dice died and she too crossed the bridge about 2 years ago. My wife and I recognized that we needed to rescue another Sheltie and that is where Kody the third picture came in. He was an “old guy” and we needed to give him a permanent home…He has since been joined by “my dog” Harper yet another Sheltie rescue…and bat crap crazy. - John
Thanks John. Those dogs sure had/have it made with you and your wife.
Mustang Sally - RiverRat
Long time lurker here at Ace of Spades. This is our doberman Cleo from a year ago. She passed away this past June at 12 years while I was out of the country. She has left a doberman sized hole in our hearts. Miss her so much. - Susan
Sorry for your loss Susan. Beautiful photo.
Hi, I enjoy the pet thread every Saturday and decided to take a couple minutes to introduce my Shetland Sheepdog. Pippin, or Peregrine when he's in trouble, is a year old and I call him my fuzzy fifteen-pound cannonball. He is unstoppable, indomitable, and not meant to be tamed, except when it comes to his favorite nap spot on a (formerly) very nice fur blanket. I lurk and very very occasionally post as Zoomie.
Hey Zoomie, post more often. No one here will bite you.
What a fantastic grouping today. Thank you for the submissions. We gladly accept photos, stories, videos or whatever you find interesting. Photos are posted in the order we receive them. Your patience is greatly appreciated. If you think we missed your pet photo, please resend.
Remember to include your pet's name, a short story and your nic. And as usual you can contact us at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Have a great week!!!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:25 PM
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