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August 02, 2017
The Morning Report 8/2/17
Good morning kids. Let's get into the hump day linkages. Kind of a mixed bag out of DC. On the plus side the President's pick to replace Comey, Christopher Wray, was approved by the Senate, Jeff Sessions has surfaced and will be using funds slated for civil rights to fight affirmative action, Paul Ryan wants to build the dang fence (is it just me, or do I doubt his veracity?) and the hardcore Left is going insane on the DCCC refusing a litmus test over baby-killing. I actually saw somewhere that Rosie O'Donuts is calling for a new party of, get this, all women to leave the Democrats.
On the down side of things, the White House is signaling that it wants a debt ceiling raise and the President's tariffs on Canadian lumber have caused prices to skyrocket.
Well, yesterday as I was listening to Rush Limbaugh (who incidentally celebrated his 29th anniversary on the air) he was talking about the fecklessness of the GOP in the context of what the slimy Jeff Flake Fake said the other day about his "true conservative" status, or some such bilge, and he finally came to the conclusion that I and many of you have had for quite some time - to wit, that the GOP is not the stupid party, but that it is an active participant with the institutional Left in the hijacking and destruction of America as founded.
The Republican Party in Congress, House and Senate, for the most part is doing what it can to stop Trump or to arrest his agenda. I really believe this. I don't think they're trying to capitalize on this at all. It's been one of my big bugaboos. It's the dominance of the Washington establishment prevailing over party politics.
You know, throughout my entire career I've had callers say, "Rush, there's no difference in the two parties," and I've seen always pooh-poohed that. And I've always tried to tell them there's a huge difference, at least ideologically and structurally. And there is. If the Republicans happen to practice fealty to their agenda, to their beliefs, to their principles, there's a huge difference.
But if the survivability of the establishment is something that takes precedence over party victory, then it isn't gonna matter what the party's principles are. And what we're facing right now, and this is where I think Flake misses the point, the Republican Party is already standing up to Trump. Now, they're not doing it verbally. They're not running out there to the microphones and saying, "We object to President Trump. We find President Trump objectionable."
They're just simply blocking the agenda. They're not working hard on getting the agenda done. I've been trying to explain this every which way from Sunday. The last thing in the world a lot of establishment types want is an outsider like Trump to succeed. You know it and I know it. And what that requires is stalling the agenda. And to me that is equivalent to standing up to Trump.
His choice of words was of course much less harsh than mine, and in fact the thrust if his piece is that the GOP is not realizing it's blowing a political opportunity. The horrible truth which Rush cannot bring himself to publicly declare is that this is intentional. From my perspective, death to the GOP. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.