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August 01, 2017
William Shatner Now Officially a "Fascist" for Not Putting Up With Social Justice Warrior Witchhunting
William Shatner -- now a fascist for not giving baby xher bottle when she wines for it.
Btw, do you love science? OMG ME TOO! I *love* science so much! I want to take #Science in my mouth!!!
Well, the Boston Globe loves science too. They also love clickbait and getting stupid Millennials to retweet them by combining their two favorite things: Pretending to @LoveScience, and hating Trump supporters.
You know what that track of peak eclipse looks like? Why it looks exactly like a plot of Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the election between 6 pm and 10:30 pm.
Isn't that some #AmazingScience?
This is of course #FakeNews, given that the vast majority of the land area of the US would vote Republican, if acres voted. It's well known to everyone except the Boston Globe's Director of Clickbait Millennial-Chum that the vast majority of land area in the US is "Republican," with Democrats compacted into tiny blue urban islands.
But #Science isn't going to love itself, and so any excuse to mix easy-peasy memes with some Trumpergrumbles is a good excuse for the dying, please-click-our-nonsense-#FakeNews media.