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July 26, 2017
The Morning Rant
"Any of you see that lying little sh*t-weasel Brian Stelter yesterday on CNN? What an embarrassment. 'Journalists love America', my left nut. Stelter and all his journ-o-list buddies have trashed America for years, and now suddenly they're Ernie Pyle? Give me a break. And since when does creepy John Podesta falling for a e-mail phishing scam constitute an 'attack' on America? Stelter is a carbuncle that aspires to be a pimple, and he makes Chris Hayes look like a tower of masculinity. His only good point is that he's not as repulsive as Kurt Eichenwald."
Looks like CNN is right about something for once:
And for pure, unadulterated class hatred (and a large dose of pig ignorance), some of the replies to this tweet are hard to beat. I would've thought that a successful business owned by African-American women would be a reason for celebration, but I guess not:
(h/t CBD)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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