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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
July 25, 2017
The Morning Report 7/25/17
Good morning kids. Only Tuesday and we're chock full 'o linkage this morning. First up, the rumors around the President's displeasure with the performance of Jeff Sessions and the latter's departure are swirling, with reports of him being replaced by Rudy Giuliani and now Ted Cruz appearing. I have always thought of Jeff Sessions as a decent, honorable man who was one of PDT's first, full-throated supporters right out of the box. He has been very good so far on one of the President's biggest policy items, border control and immigration. Yet, in many other ways, he has, to say the least, been a disappointment. In his defense, when you have a DoJ that consists of thousands of employees who not only oppose their boss but are actively sabotaging him and dare I say would not be at all upset if he suffered the same fate as Steve Scalise, your effectiveness cannot help but be compromised. But there is no excuse for Sessions stepping on his johnson and recusing himself, thereby allowing the kangaroo court of the Russia hoax to go forward. That so good a man should be so lousy an AG. If he does go, maybe the next AG will actually RICO the shit out of Soros, Hillary and Obama. I can dream, can't I?
The other big story is today's vote on the GOP version of kabu-kakke healthcare Three Card Monty. The only thing that should be voted on, in a just and sane world, is the repeal of the 2010 ACA in full as well as the dismantling of the industry-imposed and government approved monopoly on health insurance. But the only thing that is immortal in this world is a government bureaucracy. And now, irony of ironies, with the GOP in full control of the government, the Left is floating the idea of Charlie Gard-care thinking that the GOP wing of their party will embrace "bipartisanship!!!" and actually institute single payer. Think of that; the Left is electorally neutralized and yet they have a chance to institute their 100-year wet dream of national health --- while being completely out of power. If the GOP even so much as hints that this is open to consideration, it really is the bitter end. For them and probably for us as well.
On a positive note, I throw you a lifeline of a tax plan proposal from the conservatives that abolishes the IRS. Yeah, I know. But at least it's something to raise your spirits even if it doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell. If nothing else, it's good to know that some people are thinking right.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.