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July 21, 2017
Moaning and Complaining Thread
I forgot how much I liked complaining about minor things that are barely worth mentioning, let alone having an emotional reaction to.
I know the last post is about this, but it's kind of specific to WhiteWalkers, so how about a thread about anything -- the more minor the better -- that annoys you?
Oh, as I need some content (I guess) here's an article about the sin of Mansplaining.
One thing I say nowadays is "Don't explain it to me -- mansplain it to me."
[Update] (OregonMuse):
GorillaPundit has a complaint:

"Want to know what chaps my hairy ass? Fine, I'll tell you: I hate those stupid dorm room philosophers who prattle on and on about how knowledge is impossible, existence is impossible and in fact, they're not even sure they exist themselves. Yes, some of those boneheads actually say that. They read some French guy and they think they're all deep and sh*. Morons. Anyway, you can easily show everybody how full of sh* they are by just telling them 'Dude, your zipper's down'. If they really think they can't know anything, why do they always look?"