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July 17, 2017
OMG: Donald Trump Jr. Colluded With Russia to Make Susan Rice Suddenly Refuse to Testify Before Senate Panel
Okay, the beginning of that headline isn't true, but I wrote it in a form that might cause Jake Tapper to maybe try reading it and to speculate about Rice's reasons to refuse to give honest answers to pertinent questions.
Fox News was initially told Rice would be giving closed-door testimony Tuesday before the Republican-led House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
But that session has apparently been postponed....
Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan last week told Fox News that he wants Rice to answer the basic question: "Did you unmask the names and if so why?"
I saw someone on Twitter ask if Trey Gowdy is going to issue a subpoena compelling her presence or if he's going to fold like a cheap suit.
We'll see.