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July 17, 2017
John Sexton: The Media Is Executing the Tricks They Wargamed Out in Their "JournOList" ListServ With Abandon
Important reminder from Sexton: the JournOLists, who now occupy positions of authority in the media, and are also Agents of Infection for the herd, worked out these techniques in 2008, and are deploying them now.
The JournOlisters went into a frenzy after the Jeremiah Wright story. The three strategies they proposed for disappearing the story were (as John Sexton categorizes them) "Kill it" by smearing mainstream media people writing about the story, "Ignore it" by simply refusing to report on it at all, and smearing anyone even talking about the story as "racists."
Sexton points out that these tactics -- once considered controversial enough that even fellow JournOListers had qualms about them -- are now simply SOP for the DNC Media now:
The Journolist discussion took place nearly a decade ago, but in retrospect, I’m struck by how these three basic approaches—kill it, ignore it, call them haters—seem like media archetypes now. You can probably think of your own examples but the ones that come immediately to mind are CBS News decision to sit on video showing President Obama had not called the Benghazi attack terrorism the day after the attack.
You may recall that Obama was widely considered the loser of the 1st presidential debate with Mitt Romney. He needed a comeback win. And the winning moment of the 2nd debate was his exchange with Romney on Benghazi. Obama claimed he had called the attack terrorism the next day. But an excerpt from 60 Minutes which remained on the cutting room floor showed that wasn’t true. CBS News knew it had the clip which would cut the legs out from Obama after the 2nd debate and it sat on until a couple days before the election when it quietly posted it online.
And on that, I hear very good things about Sheryl Attkinson's new book "The Smear," which recounts all the bias and #FakeNews of the past couple of years -- most of which you've probably forgotten about, as there's so much new #FakeNews every day.