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July 17, 2017
Twitter: Depository of Dumb
Here are some dumb tweets I've been collecting:
(Dumbness content: 950 millikohns)
I swear this dumb bunny must stay up nights taking online Dumb classes at the School of Dumb. Nobody gets this dumb naturally. You have to work at it.
Here's another beaut:
(Dumbness content: 750 millikohns)
Fox Butterfield could not be reached for comment.
And, I like it when the pompous MSM twits get all butt-hurt when they're called out on their partisan hackery:
(Dumbness content: 675 millikohns)
According to his Twitter bio, Matthew Dowd is "Chief Political Analyst, ABC News". Which doesn't say much for their hiring standards:
(Dumbness content: 800 millikohns)
How stupid do you have to be before ABC News fires you for being stupid?
Here's a newcomer with a strong first entry in the International Dumb Competition:
(Dumbness content: 700 millikohns)
Because Dunkirk = D-Day. Proves once again that feminism (progressivism) makes you stupid. h/t 'WOPR - Nationalist' for this one.
And finally:
(Dumbness content: 500 millikohns)
Why do progressives always screw this up? Once again: Government cannot grant 'rights'. It can only abridge (or refrain from abridging) rights that are already in existence. Oh wait, that's a clue. The U.S. Constitution infers the existence of a reality outside of human government that may even be against human government. Progressives have a hard time with this. Their credo is: "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
Which is actually rather frightening. If the most transcendent entity you can conceive is the state, the corrupt, oppressive, run-by-idiots-to-line-their-own-pockets state, that leaves little room for hope. No wonder so many progressives are mentally ill.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:36 AM
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