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July 10, 2017
The Morning Report 7/10/17
Good morning, kids. Up and at 'em as we start another week. First up, the Slim Slimes has yet another phony hit piece this morning, this time claiming Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyers asking for dirt on Hillary. Meanwhile, it appears as if Comey the Clown lied to Congress as he did in fact have classified information in his Trump files, something he swore he didn't. I'm sure Trey Gowdy will get right on that.
Next up, the McYertle/Ryno carney act reopens with a supposed push to get a healthcare bill going. They have no intention of doing anything; they swore to preserve, protect and defend the Bureaucracy and their graft machine and by G-d that's what they're gonna do. In any case, they're only 3/3rds of 100% of 3 branches of government so cut them some slack, you filthy serfs.
While the Soros all-white trust-fund rent-a-thugs were trying to recreate the RAF firestorm on Hamburg, real people were really protesting a real tyrant in Istanbul. Surprised that a propaganda outlet like Reuters actually covered it. Meanwhile, another innocent victim of white supremacy valiantly resisted his oppressors and cried out for justice with a quote from Thomas Paine.
Lastly, I like the cut of this Radiohead's jib. I might have to actually listen to some of their music.
NOTE: Your humble envoy of weekday links is off to Italy tomorrow, and will return two weeks from today. Thanks in advance to the cobs who will be filling in. I'll be checking in when and if possible to see if the world or at least CNN has ended.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Comey's Private Memos on PDT Contained Classified Information, Contradicting Congressional Testimony
- NY Times Fake Hit-Job Claims Trump Jr. Allegedly Met with Russian Lawyer Before the Election Offering Dirt on Hillary (link to Wash. Examiner)
- PDT Walks Back Idea of Joint Russia-US Cyber Security Unit
- Huge Rally in Istanbul Against Post- Coup Erdogan Crackdown
- FL Driver Resists Arrest, Punches Cop in the Face, Yells "Black Lives Matter!"
- Congress Returns for a Fresh, New Season of Kabuki-Bukakke Theater
- Teh Ted: GOP Making "Real Progress" on Healthcare Reform, "Failure is Not an Option"
- Americans' Top Financial Worry is the Cost of Healthcare
- Radiohead to Israel/Joo-Haters: "F**k You"
- Trump Effect: VA Fires 500, Suspends 200 More for Misconduct
- Trump Effect bis: +220,000 Jobs in June, Record 153,168,000 Employed
- NorK Watch: Singing a Hwasong
- Why is GOP-Led Arizona Stonewalling PDT's Election Fraud Commission?
- Pope Francis Sez US Has a "Distorted View of the World"
- America's Long March Toward a Secular, Socialist Democracy
- Hezbollah's Missiles Will Not Rust
- Keep-F***ing-That-Chicken Dept.: DNC Perez Spews Republicans "Don't Give a Shit About the People"