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Sunday Night Overnight Open Thread (7/9/17) »
July 09, 2017
Christmas in July (MJ)
Ohhhhh yeeessssssss.
Hillary Clinton wants to play a role in next year's midterm elections. It's just not clear yet what that role will be.
Seems to me she only has two roles:
1. Destroyer of hopes
2. Destroy of hopes and dreams
This, my moron friends, is what we call a no lose situation. She either applies her reverse Midas touch and we watch every candidate turn to shit or the spry, youthful, mid 60's bench players bring the Dem cold war hot.
Wood status:
Oak [x]
Balsa [ ]
As I've said before, my political views have shrunk down to observing who's acting the fool, but in my entire life of observing politics I have never seen the cluster**k that is our opposition party--both the media and professional Left.
I feel... just...capital.
posted by Open Blogger at
08:55 PM
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