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July 03, 2017
Open Thread
Update on my fast:
I had to tap out at the sixty eighth hour because of severe dizziness. However, I'm not at all sure the dizziness had anything to do with the fast. I had dizziness a while back, and I'm pretty sure it was due to middle ear irritation due to my CPAP blowing into it (well, from the inside) all night. I had turned the CPAP's pressure down, but then a week ago, I forgot why I'd turned it down, and turned it back up, because I'm stupid.
So, I had severe dizziness which may or may not have had anything to do with the fast. But when you are floored with dizziness (and nausea), and you're on a long fast, you stop the fast.
I'm going to try it again, though not for five days. Maybe go for three next time.
One thing is that on Saturday, the third day, I really didn't feel hungry at all. Of course, I was also very nauseated, so maybe that's why I didn't have any hunger pangs.
I'll have to read more about this and talk about it with my doctor. I'd suggest anyone thinking about this to do the same. I should also read Jason Fung's new book on fasting before trying it again.