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June 05, 2017
MSNBC Host Thomas Roberts: Maybe Trump's Deliberately Provoking Terrorist Attacks For Reasons
I thought the media was opposed to conspiracy theories and #FakeNews?
MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts theorized on Sunday that President Trump is trying to provoke a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in order to "prove himself right" about Islamic terrorism.
Roberts floated the theory during two separate interviews, one with Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and another with former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.
Roberts pointed to Trump's tweets early Sunday in the wake of a terrorist attack that left at least seven dead in London.
"The president doesn't want us to be politically correct, right? So let’s not be PC about this. Is the president trying to provoke a domestic terrorist attack with this Twitter rant, because only to prove himself right?" Roberts asked Reed during an interview.
As he offered his lunatic conspiracy theory in two different interviews, he wasn't just thinking off the cuff.
Videos at the link.