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May 31, 2017
Huma Abedin Invites Anthony Weiner Home
One take on this from William F.B. O'Reilly:
[N]o figure consistently attracts more unfair ridicule and scorn from the peanut gallery than Huma Abedin, the long-suffering wife of former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Social media provocateurs gleefully humiliate Abedin as if tearing wings from a fly. There’s a special kind of cruelty to how she is treated.
After news broke Tuesday that Abedin was allowing Weiner back into their home following his conviction for sex messaging an underage girl, social media predictably exploded: “Hillary’s top aide invites a sex offender into her home,” one twitterer jubilantly announced on his feed. "EXCLUSIVE: Just when you thought Huma had enough, she invited her admitted sex offender hubby back home again" read another. Donald Trump Jr. was among the first to “like” that one. Then began the conspiracy theories about why she would do such a thing.
Abedi'’s crime, other than being Hillary Clinton’s confidante, is the audacity to show mercy in a world intoxicated by schadenfreude and rage. It's more than some can bear. Abedin is willing to take the deeply flawed and broken father of her child back into her home in the hope that redemption somehow lies ahead for him. She’s doing so fully aware of the ridicule that will follow, not just from Clinton haters but from feminists, too, who view as anathema standing by any wayward man. One doesn’t often see that kind of strength today.
All I can say is I wish I were as good a Christian as Huma Abedin is a Muslim. Her mercy is to be admired.
Eh, part of this is the long-simmering suspicion that this is some kind of political-cover marriage. That's why people on the right are so dumbfounded --
some are wondering why a pretend marriage is being pretended after the need for it has passed.
(Or has it passed...? Hillary can't seem to get over her loss and, given her marital history, seems to be a sucker for humiliation.)
Though, actually, these bizarre turns have the strange effect of making me think this is a real marriage.
(People on the left are dumbfounded because Female Empowerment You Guys.)
When kids are involved -- one is involved here -- I understand this. Kids are a contract, and a pretty sacred one. It's not that all marriages with children involved must be endured -- I'm not an absolutist on that, some marriages are so toxic that staying together doesn't do anyone any favors -- but certainly they should be endured as much as one can.
Well, that's the best I can do. I don't really care.