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May 22, 2017
Occupy Silicon Valley? Tech Magnates Fear Next Campaign in Socialist War Might Target Them
And they've spent so many years courting them, promoting them, and even paying them a lot of money to act as "consultants" for their social media platforms -- what a shame if the alligator next turns to eat them.
It will be funny if that happens, because they'll try to rally public support -- from conservatives, the only people who would conceivably defend them -- and we'll be sitting here remembering their years and years of directing the left's terrorism against us.
Kind of like the Saudi princes pouring money to spread Wahabism -- direct the terrorism towards some convenient scapegoat, other than yourself.
So yeah, don't bother, Silicon Valley. If they come after you, you're on your own.
Tech stocks have surged, and Bank of America says it could lead to talk of wealth redistribution
Standout gains in large technology stocks like Amazon.com and Apple show just how much the sector is disconnected from the sluggish growth on the rest of Main Street, one notable strategist said in a report titled "Occupy Silicon Valley."
The tech stock rally "could ultimately lead to populist calls for redistribution of the increasingly concentrated wealth of Silicon Valley," Bank of America Merrill Lynch's chief investment strategist, Michael Hartnett, said in a report released Monday.
Give the Social Justice Warriors space to destroy, I always say.