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May 19, 2017
Backing Into Dhimmitude
It's always astounded to me how the left can always find a reason to side with the most thuggish, regressive regimes in the world if those regimes are enemies of America. Whether it's the rat bastard commies of the USSR and Cuba, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the murderous FMLN guerillas in El Salvador, they all received enthusiastic applause and support from the progressive left. And not just the conditional "yeah, they're a-holes, but they need to be supported because the alternative is worse" type of support that conservatives sometimes give authoritarian regimes that are friendly to the U.S (pre-1979 Iran, pre-Castro Cuba), but rather over-the-top slobbering, obsequious, they're-the-best-ever-we-are-not-worthy adoration.
Similarly, among feminists, one of their greatest heroes, one whom they passionately defended and ran interference for, is the horndog ex-president and serial sexual predator Bill Clinton, a man who violated just about every standard that feminists claim to stand for.
So now, America is confronted with its most regressive and thuggish enemy yet, one that truly treats women as little better than livestock, and so you'd think that a regime such as that would be the one bridge the feminists could not bring themselves to cross.
Of course, you'd be wrong. But I think you probably knew that.
I'm referring to this boiling hot mess of stupid Puffington Host blog post by an addlepated feminist, Muslims Are The True Feminists. Her main point is to explain how wonderful it is to wear the hijab and how it liberates women's bodies from the lustful gazes of evil, feelthy men.
Now, I'm all in favor for modest attire, but my point is that if I were voice that opinion, no doubt the addlepated feminist would accuse me of being regressively patriarchal.
And in order to get to where she's going, she has to tell some pretty big whoppers along the way, starting with:
The first Muslim woman was Khadija, Mohammed’s first wife...Khadija was a business woman and a land owner in the lands of Arabia...Just this one example gives us a view on how true Muslim women are; outspoken, driven, certain and courageous, the epitome of a feminist.
So...one woman. Who lived 1500 years ago. No other examples are cited. Actually, I've seen other examples of 'strong' Muslim women, but they're all from centuries ago, and long forgotten until western feminists dug them up out of historical obscurity.
Question: would Mohammad's wife be able to legally drive a car in Saudi Arabia today?
And here's another whopper:
So it’s no surprise to see Muslim woman today modeling themselves after these prominent female figures. Muslim girls look towards these instances of strength for guidance in this scary, patriarchal society. These modern women are not afraid to go against the grain in the name of their belief like wearing the hijab to covey their religious devotion. Hijab is the headscarf that is worn by Muslim woman and no; it is not supposed to be forced on them by their fathers and husbands. Wearing or not wearing the Hijab reflects a Muslim woman’s own a personal choice.
So Islam is a religion of personal choice? Really? In what universe?
Up next, the Vox hot take: "Female Genital Mutilation Enhancement: Why Getting Your Clitoris Sawn Off With a Rusty Knife Has Unexpected Health Benefits."
And then Salon will follow it up with "Jizyah Is The Western Debt To Islam".
posted by OregonMuse at
03:35 PM
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