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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
May 18, 2017
The Morning Report 5/18/17
Good morning, kids. I am actually sitting here absolutely stunned and amazed at the spectacle we are witnessing. A duly elected President and his advisors are being systematically, methodically crippled by a witch hunt that has been manufactured out of whole cloth by the media. It has been so pervasive and poisonous that the media's underlings in the Democrat party, along with their willing accomplices in the GOP wing, are now openly discussing impeachment proceedings, based on nothing. Actually, less than nothing. Nothing-Lite. Remember that the standard Leftist playbook is that the veracity of the allegation is not important: it's the seriousness of the charge. When Jeff Sessions recused himself way back when, it opened the door for the Left to demand more and more concessions and put the President and his team on perpetual defense. I'm not a fan of Dick Morris at all, but he's 100% correct in his analysis that the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate, again NOTHING, does one thing: puts a taint of guilt on the President and serves to delegitimize his entire agenda, which is exactly what the Left wants, impeachment or not. And let's not forget the crickets coming from our putative side of the aisle. Call it fear or call it collusion with the Left (let's face it, PDT is an enemy to the GOP-e as much as he is to the Left), this is sabotage, or as Jeffrey Lord puts it "a high-tech lynching of an uppity president."
But let's step back for a moment. In one of the later threads yesterday (serves me right for not copying and pasting) Ace observed correctly that we cannot really assess with any degree of accuracy this entire pseudo-event is having. Forgetting the Dow's performance yesterday, illegal immigration is down dramatically, GDP growth is projected at 4%, tens of thousands of jobs have been added, regulations have been cut, a conservative has taken a SCOTUS seat, the military is being restored and the national mood of real, sane Americans has been elevated. We really are viewing things from inside of a cave, at nighttime on a world that is itself engulfed in a black hole. But, the real problem is PDT has got to put forth an agenda within a corrupt system. he has to use the instrumentalities of government to fight criminality that are themselves the source of the criminality. The only thing he has going for him is his base. We hang together or we hang separately. No matter what, this has got to stop. And the friggin' GOP has to decide whether it's with us or with the terrorists.
NOTE: I understand full well the upsetting nature of the situation we find ourselves in. But that is no excuse for comments that either threaten or condone violence. Fair warning to censor yourselves or be banned.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.