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May 12, 2017
Could the FBI Take a Second Look at Hillary and Huma Investigations, Now That Lynch's Fixer Has Been Fired?
Probably not, but I need a quick post while I write other ones, so let's just play a game of Let's Pretend and enjoy the idea of it.
Brian Weidner, a veteran former FBI agent, suggested both the case and the immunity deals struck during that investigation could be revisited.
"I would be surprised if they did not review all the investigations regarding HRC and come up with [a] conclusion regarding prosecution. The statute of limitations hasn't come into play yet," he said in an email to Fox News.
As for the immunity deals struck with key players in the Clinton orbit, he noted those deals are "with the government, so in theory it wouldn't change."
However, he wrote, "a new AG and new director may take a good look at the entire case, and if anyone who received immunity did not live up to their agreement, like Huma [Abedin] with the classified documents on her computer, the deal is off and they are potential targets again."
Question: I have a GAINZZZ thread ready to go but I know those are only appreciated by a subset of readers.
I sort of want to do an early one today, because a lot of times the late ones are posted when people start going off-line.
Would it be a problem for the non-GAINZZZers if I did that one next?