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May 09, 2017
Overlooked Part of Comey's Testimony: 15% of Those Under Current Terrorism Investigation Came to the Country as Refugees
The #FakeNews media isn't just about the untrue things they report, but the true things that somehow elude their notice.
Comey's testimony last week revealed the consequences of this lack of information [that is, information about a refugee's background, which is either spotty or entirely nonexistent -- ace]. While most of the time he was asked about Hillary's e-mails and Russia, Russia, Russia, Sen. Tillis asked about terrorism investigations.... Comey responded that out of 2,000-plus "violent extremist investigations … about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees."
So 15 percent of the FBI's terrorism cases are refugees -- far more than their share of the immigrant population, let alone the general population. And that denominator of 2,000 presumably includes people with no immigration nexus at all -- skinheads, antifa, Klan, environmental and animal rights extremists, et al. So the refugee share of immigration-related terrorism investigations is more than 15 percent, perhaps much more.
If you didn't follow that last bit, he means that when you say that 300 of 2000 current terrorism investigations came as refugees, you can't assume the 2000 are foreign born. The 2000 might refer to all active terror investigations of both domestic and foreign-but-present terror threats. Thus, he means, as regards foreign terror investigations, the 300 we know came as refugees might be much, much higher a percentage of that smaller pool.