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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
April 27, 2017
The Morning Report 4/27/17
Good morning, kids. Loaded for bear on this gloopy Thursday here in the land of DeBolshevik. First up, it turns out that although this Judge Orrick (another Leftist named after a vacuum [at least he's not named after a prison like Soldedad O'Brian, but I digress]) was completely out of line in his ruling, some legal eagles are saying it doesn't mean much when it comes to the actual enforcement of law because the law to block funding for "sanctuary cities" was written and passed in 1996 when Bill Clinton was in office. The entire Senate met with the Trump national security team for what has been described as a very sobering briefing on the threat from Whoa Fat. Ivanka Trump is starting to annoy me, as we are now taking the "slightly pregnant" approach to the Paris Climate Accords. The House Freedom Caucus now is backing Repeal/Replace 2 but there is opposition supposedly from the moderates (whatever that term means). Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is high on the Trump Tax Reform and is hot and horny to ram it through ASAP. Rush, though had some thoughts on this, especially the false and dangerous narrative that tax cuts have to be paid for:
And remember the premise of this, folks, is that all money is Washington's, not yours. So when Washington proposes a tax cut, i.e., you get to keep more of what you earn, Washington and the media look at it as the government losing money. And that cannot happen. And so government must find a way to pay for the tax cut, because a tax cut is not you keeping more of what you earn because what you earn is not yours. What you end up with is because of what the government says you can have. This is how people look at it, media people on the left.
As we often say in the comments "THIS x infinity."
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.