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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
April 21, 2017
The Morning Report 4/21/17
Good morning, kids. Friday again, thank goodness. Lots of interesting things this morning. First of course is the aftermath of the Islamist terror attack in Paris yesterday. Aside from the blood and carnage, coming so close to the elections, does it help Marine LePen pull out the win even with the arcane French electoral system or more crucially the French national psyche of self-loathing masochism? Meanwhile over here, there are rumblings that both a reboot of the Obamacare Repeal/Replace and tax reform are on the front burner and perhaps close to happening. With that are the counter-rumblings that they ain't happening. Daniel Greenfield has another excellent essay (I'm becoming a big fan) as well as Rush's take on O'Reilly's demise. Up front, although at first glance it's just par for the course, I want to take the time to address Howard Dean. I don't want to let it slide. Let me say for his benefit and any other Leftist reading this, there is no such thing as hate speech. There's only speech. And in this country, it's still a G-d given right. So long as it does not openly incite violence, it's guaranteed. In any case it is you and your party and political movement that incite the violence, fought for slavery and segregation, locked citizens up in concentration camps, destroyed lives via a crushing socialist welfare state, that seeks the eradication of our Constitution, the dissolution of our society and the consolidation of power via unchecked mass migration and chaos. Barack Obama encouraged your minions not to sit down and have a civilized discourse over a cup of coffee but to get in our faces. You sir and your rotten ilk are the fascists and totalitarians. Much as it might personally satisfy me to see you muzzled, you have a right to spew your idiotic, inchoate drivel as much as I or Ann Coulter have the right to call you out on it. You, sir, are a tiresome fool, but you are dangerous nonetheless. If you are given time to obliquely if not openly call for the abolition of the 1st Amendment and a citizen's right to speak, I cannot allow that to go unanswered because if you have your way, I won't ever be able to.
Rant over. Links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Lipless Wonder Howard Dean Sez 1st Amendment Does Not Protect Ann Coulter
UPDATE: I have changed the headline for the first link to show only 1 Gendarme killed.