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April 12, 2017
Two Progs Have Spat Over White Privilege and Hair-Shaming
One's at the prog troll website Washington HuffPost, the other's at MSNBC.
So many feelz.
By the way, the MSNBC special snowflake -- the one making a racist attack out of a goof on his hair for looking like Heat Miser's -- can be offended and enraged by just about anything at all.
In further evidence that civilization is now just dry kindling seeking a match, special snowflakes at Notre Dame have cried that Mike Pence's planned visit makes them "feel unsafe."
"For me personally, [Pence] represents the larger Trump administration," Imanne Mondane, one of the students behind the campaign, told The Observer, a student-run newspaper. "His administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity."
I propose that those P*ssyhats just might be redundant.