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April 02, 2017

Intersectionality At Its Best (Or Worst): Angela Davis Speech Is sponsored By "Students For Justice In Palestine," "The GW Black Student Union," And "The GW Feminist Student Union"

You have to hand it to good old Angela Davis; she is quite inclusive in her vicious Marxist politics. She'll take money from anyone on the Left if it pays for another opportunity to spout her racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American pseudo-philosophy. Angela Davis attacks Israel, prisons in speech at GW

As Davis began, she asked the audience to “recognize that we are on colonized land,” saying, “as we talk about solidarity with occupied Palestine, remember the United States of America is also a settler colonial nation.”

What has always impressed me about the hard Left, and Davis is a wonderful example of this skill, is their ability to ignore the very words they use, and create new meanings that dwarf the reality of the history they are tormenting and twisting.

Yes Angela, America was settled. By many people, starting with the Indians for whom you feel such empathy.

“We say no to Israel’s ethnic cleansing strategies. In standing up against the racism of the state of Israel, we are passionately saying no to anti-Semitism as well,” she argued. “This is supposed to be the dismantling of the era of Israeli occupation of Palestine. It has been long and coming.”

It sounds fervent and impassioned, but completely ignores the reality on the ground. And also forgets about the ethnic cleansing of 99% of the Jews in Arab countries.

But here's my favorite:

“I don’t consider myself a prison reformer; I consider myself a prison abolitionist,” she began, declaring that “reform doesn’t work,” because “the more reformed it has become the more repressive it has become.”

Moreover, she argued that prison is a “gendered institution with a gender binary structure,” and that the “abolition of the prison will also entail the abolition of gender policing.”

Orwell would be impressed.

There are more marvelous little tidbits in the article, but I have already excerpted too much. Take a look, especially the part about's great!

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