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March 29, 2017
Roger Daltrey: Hillary Clinton is a Smelly Old Corpse of a Whore Who Smells Like Dog Vomit and Also Let's Get This Brexit On, Bitches [Warden]
I may have taken a few liberties with the first part of that headline.
Also, Daltrey's support, it appears, is nothing new.
Well, whatever. Ain't like ace is stroking any checks for an Ace of Spades fact checking department. Let's just go with it and call these two data points--Johnny Rotten and Roger Daltrey-- a trend. Good enough for the New York Time's Lifestyle section; good enough for me.
The Who's frontman Roger Daltrey continues to be outspoken about his support for Brexit, or more like his support for England getting out of the EU. "We are getting out, and when the dust settles I think that it'll be seen that it's the right thing for this country to have done, that's for sure," he told NME.
He added, "I am not anti-European, but I am anti the present way we are being governed in Europe. "It's got nothing to do with any of the immigration issues or any of that for me. It was to do with much more. The majority of this country felt that their voices weren't being heard. It would have been nice to do a deal with Europe but they didn't want to do a deal, and they sent Cameron back with a bag."
Conservatism: The new face of rock 'n roll.

posted by Open Blogger at
09:27 PM
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