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March 29, 2017
Defying Moloch

"More! More!"
Planned Parenthood gets upset when impudent prolifers expose their charnel houses and threaten their revenue stream. Fortunately for PP, its allies in California government are more than willing to do them a solid:
On Tuesday, the state of California charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress on 15 felony counts over their undercover reporting regarding Planned Parenthood. In 2015, Daleiden and Merritt released video showing high-ranking Planned Parenthood members joking about selling baby body parts for market rates and picking through baby body parts in order to demonstrate which sorts of body parts were available for sale for medical research, as well as talking about the best methods of abortion for procuring those baby body parts. The California Department of Justice, under the auspices of now-Senator Kamala Harris, raided Daleiden’s home for footage in April 2016
The charges have to do with California laws governing taping private conversations and whether you need to get permission of both parties.
Apparently, the state's position is that a conversation in a public restaurant constitute private and confidential communication which is protected by these laws. Now, to normal people, this sounds ludicrous on its face and I hope Daleiden and Merritt will find a normal judge who agrees, but this is Democrat-controlled California, where the purpose of law is to not to enforce impartial justice but rather is a tool for progressives to punish their enemies.
For those of you morons who are believers, I encourage you to pray for Daleiden and Merritt. Their witness against the horrors perpetrated by Planned Parenthood has pissed off some very powerful people who will use whatever means they have at their disposal to destroy them. Fortunately, they worship a God who is greater than Moloch.
Meanwhile, according to the ABC-TV affiliate in Chicago, undercover video shows alleged animal cruelty at California poultry farms, slaughterhouse. No word yet on if the reporters covering this story would be subjected to criminal charges for secretly recording the videos that formed the basis for this story.
Update: Donations to the Center for Medical Progress, which presumably will be used to fight these silly charges, can be made here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:25 AM
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